I am late coming to the Tony Birch fan club, I read this one in July 2020. I don't know why I only discovered his writing last year, but I am so very happy I did!
What a beautiful story about love (yes it's also about racism towards indigenous people in Australia, the Stolen Generation, the power of the evil laws the Australian government had over the lives of Aboriginal people.)
But it is also a story of strength, love and belief...
A well deserved ...
Library Enthusiast Suggestion...
Did you realise that many libraries have special events, seriously you should check what's happening in your local area...
Mine recently held a Bat Week, Give a Flying Fox, free family event...
This was an opportunity to see #frankietheflyingfox on International Bat Appreciation Day and learn about the amazing things she and our other Little Aussie BATlers do to keep our environment healthy.