An enthusiastic supporter of my local Sunshine Coast Library. Libraries are the cornerstones of our communities...use them or lose them!
Friday, 21 May 2021
A Caller's Game by J.D.Barker
Monday, 17 May 2021
The Man On The Street by Trevor Wood
Thursday, 13 May 2021
Little White Lies by Philippa East
Mother worries about how much daughter remembers about the day she disappeared
Daughter has trust issues...obviously
Mother is anxious that the little white lie she told all those years ago will be discovered...
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
For When I'm Gone by Rebecca Ley
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
The Night Whistler by Greg Woodland
...set in the the 1960's this story has an honesty about it that some may find disturbing. There are layers upon layers to this mystery, corrupt police officers, corrupt council officers, missing and mutilated animals and of course murder.
Woodland has successfully portrayed what life was like in the 60's, when everyone smoked...
He has captured the essence of a time when children were able to roam free, with the only expectation that they be back home in time for their tea. A time when parents didn't 'track' their kids, didn't need to know their every move...a different time indeed.
A gritty, honest story...
Sunday, 2 May 2021
My response to Craig Silvey's latest book Honeybee
Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney
A domestic drama/mystery which you will need to persevere with initially as Feeney lays down the foundations of her story. With quite a fe...

Woodland has managed to create a small rural town, full of tension and menace... ...set in the the 1960's this story has an honesty a...
Once again Laguna gives us her version of a heroine, this time it comes in the form of ten-year-old Justine.. .. ...Justine lives in the A...
This one threw me if I'm honest and I really wasn't too sure how I would take to it. Piepers style of writing is intense at times, ...