Thursday, 30 December 2021

Two Girls Down by Louisa Luna

 The author was new to me and though it sounded good I wasn’t sure how it was going to play out but I really enjoyed this one.
There are some interesting characters to get to know, Vega (private investigator) is a tough cookie, but we get an insight into her softer side as her relationship with "Cap" (retired police officer) and his daughter Nell, develops.
This is the kind of story where you think you know where its going, only to be pleasantly surprised by how it all unfolds.

If you are into mystery/suspense novels I would recommend you give this one a try. I am delighted that Luna has chosen to write another novel featuring Vega and Cap, they make a refreshing duo.

The Library Enthusiasts Quote of the Day ....

Monday, 27 December 2021

Who is Maud Dixon by Alexandria Andrews

Some elements I liked, some I found irritating in this tale. If you like books that give a glimpse into the world of publishing and writing and all the weird and wonderful insecurities it often involves this might work for you. 

I found the story and secret of who Maud Dixon is/was unbelievable at times...and as for Florence, I just wanted to give her a shake and tell her to wake the f@#$k up!

The Library Enthusiast suggests when in doubt....

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

1979 by Val McDermid

Val McD offers us her latest series, which is apparently inspired by her time as a young reporter in the '70s.

In her first book of the series, 1979, we meet Allie Burns, an ambitious reporter who knows she has to work twice as hard as any man if she wants to be allowed to decide which stories she is allowed to report on...

Ms McD explores many issues in her latest series, including class, gender and sexuality. As with all McD's books, this one delivers the atmospheric and often heart-pounding moments we have come to expect.

The Library Enthusiast on....

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Ghosted by Rosie Walsh


Ghosted tells the age old story of falling in love...

...but this love story is set in the 21st century, where we as a society are unable to function with out sharing every element of our lives on our devices...

...Sarah and Eddie meet and have a whirlwind of a romance, they make plans to meet up again but Eddie completely disappears.

Walsh manages to capture the madness of dating in a world where our every movement can be traced and viewed not only by friends but complete strangers.
Yes technology makes it so much easier for us to connect, but when it comes down to it, it is up to us to remember nothing can replace the very things that make us human...

The Library Enthusiast & the Problems of Loving Books...

Friday, 10 December 2021

The Good Sister by Sally Hepworth

An engaging story, plenty of suspense and compelling characters to keep you invested. Once again Hepworth chooses to tell this story of twin sisters, Rose and Fern, in alternating perspectives, allowing us to appreciate their very different memories of their childhood.
Yes it may have been somewhat predictable at times and possibly some situations came across a little too 'convenient', but having said this Hepworth is an excellent storyteller, with an acute understanding of the social and domestic nuances of families...

The Library Enthusiast & Thoughts....


The Devil Stone by Caro Ramsay

  DCI Caplin is a troubled detective from Glasgow, she is a complex character with family issues and a past that is only hinted at in this, ...