Friday, 30 December 2022

A Heart Full of Headstones by Ian Rankin

 This is classic Rebus, a witty, interesting and well put together tale with all the twists and turns we have come to expect. 
Having said this, it did have a 'Come to Jesus' momentum about it, focusing on Rebus refections on the endless cycle of corruption and violence throughout his career....we get a real sense of his moral dilemmas as he faces the wake up call of ill health and growing old.
The ending will keep us eagerly awaiting the next instalment...
The Library Enthusiast on Release Dates...

Saturday, 24 December 2022

All My Mothers by Joanna Glen

 Yes, Yes & YES! 
Thank you Joanna Glen for once again allowing me to be transported into a world of so many wonderful sensations, a world that although may not be my own I felt instantly at home...

What a rare gift it is to be able to write words that are not only honest but memorable, words that provoke new thoughts, allowing us (the reader) to see beyond the surface of things.

Oh and in Eva, what a beaut of a voice you have given us, refreshingly true to herself...

The Library Enthusiast on Freedom...

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Sun Damage by Sabine Durrant

 Sabine Durrant has created a delightfully tense sun soaked tale that sucks you in from the get go. 
A huge plus is her writing style is so easy to settle into, and for me that's a big deal. I need to want to read all the words, 
to keep turning the pages... 

 I also found Durrants ability to offer up such intriguing and diverse characters a huge part of why I found myself so immersed in their stories. 

The Library Enthusiast on Hangovers...


Friday, 16 December 2022

Confidence by Denise Mina

 Not my favourite tale by Denise Mina.
 I found the slow drip feed of information surrounding its centre piece...
the box
otherwise known as the Voyniche Casket...
a little too confusing at times and with a variety of characters and countries to keep track of it did become a bit of a blur....

The Library Enthusiast on Libraries...

Saturday, 10 December 2022

Something Blue by Alex Sarkis

 Brilliantly clever and insightful, with all the moments to make a cracking good read.
I'm talking...
...laugh out loud moments

love interest or 3 moments...

...self discovery moments

embarrassing family moments...

...cry your eyes out moments.
Need I got on? 

Seriously Sarkis has found a winning combination, not only in her talent for expressing moments but in offering them up with such authenticity.
I am genuinely excited to see what moments Sarkis offers us next.
The Library Enthusiast on Reading...

Saturday, 3 December 2022

The Birdwatcher by William Shaw

 This is my first William Shaw read and I am relieved to say I rather enjoyed his style. 
There are some really strong characters, and as police procedurals go, this one moves with a steady pace. 
I found myself more invested in his South character as opposed to Cupidi (who is the star of this particular series)
I am hopeful that South returns in some form, he is an interesting and multi-layered character, with, I'm sure, many more stories to tell... 

The Library Enthusiast on Problems of a Book Nerd #917...

Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney

 A domestic drama/mystery which you will need to persevere with initially as Feeney lays down the foundations of her story.  With quite a fe...