Saturday, 19 June 2021

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

 Once again a friend back in the UK recommended this book to me...this is why I love having an online connection with passionate readers cross the globe...we are able to share the books we love!

The concept of The Midnight Library is an interesting one and Haig executes it well. 
How different would our life be if we made another choice?
Could just one decision change the lives of the people around us?
Is there any such thing as a perfect life?

The story centres around Nora Seed...she has hit rock bottom...after losing her cat and her job she decides to take her own life.
However she finds herself in the Midnight Library...a point between life and death.
Nora learns that she has an opportunity to live as if she had done things differently...

In one life Nora is an internationally famous rock star, in another she works as a scientist in sub-zero temperatures, she is an Olympic athlete, she's rich...she's the possibilities are infinite!
Throughout it all, Haig seamlessly interjects magic into the most ordinary of details.
There is a lot to think about in this story, and yes it is full of hurt and despair, but there is also love and transformation. 
Haig shares with us just how debilitating and all consuming depression can be.
He also reminds us to live life to the fullest, to appreciate every moment...
...even the really hard ones.

Library Enthusiast shout out...
Libraries change lives...
...libraries build literate, productive and engaged communities!
Our public libraries support mental health by reducing social isolation and connecting communities through its programs and services.
Libraries are achieving a lot and they can do so much more.
Our public libraries are often on the front line on a range of social and community services that address disadvantage.
We need to make sure our libraries are supported to meet the rising community demand for their vital services.

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