Sonya is a single mum living in Dublin, she is a complex, passionate, vivacious woman who is determined that her four year old son Tommy, has the most memorable childhood....ever.
Harding writes with compassion and honesty about Sonya's deep, all encompassing love for her son, we are very aware that this little boy is her world.
Harding is also excellent at showing us the chaotic, undisciplined world that is Sonya's due to her addiction to alcohol. We sense her shame, her anger at herself, we feel her struggle...and through it all we are never ever in any doubt as to how much love she has for her son....
Bright Burning Things is a raw tale about the realities of alcoholism, it is written in such a way that at times I felt so immersed in the world of Sonya and Tommy that I almost became disconnected from my own world.
Powerful with beautiful moments of pure and brutal brilliance...5 Brightly Burning Stars.
Addictions come in many forms and one Australian suburb wants to introduce the Libraries after Dark program.
This program (trialled initially in Melbourne) is designed to provide at-risk groups with a range of social or recreational options during the utilising existing infrastructures such as libraries, the aim is to provide an alternative venue for people who may feel isolated and may be otherwise choosing spaces that promote gambling and alcohol consumption.
Libraries are changing and that can only be a good thing.
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