A fiction disaster story, focusing on climate change and its devastating consequences on our future world...lets just say it really isn't fiction (cyclones are very real and their very real devastating floods are killing thousands of people) and it really isn't that far into our future...
...Robinson's novel is set in Melbourne, and it follows Isobel as she escapes from her flooded home with her husband and young daughter. We read in graphic detail how life is for them as they set up camp in the emergency relief centre. We read with a sense of lost hope how the systems and institutions that should be keeping a country together, have in fact fallen apart.
The story switches from Isobel's present day situation to her life pre-disaster, which gives us a real sense of place and an understanding of the values and the anxieties of Robinson's main characters.
And it is Isobel we connect with, it is her strength and her raw honesty as a mother, a mother who will do anything to keep her family safe...
The Library Enthusiasts thoughts...
...on business 101
If like me, you are liking the idea of working for yourself, and have very little business savvy try this 3 step program...
#1-Head to your local library for a hands on workshop to help grow and evolve your business
#2- Learn and discover new tools to help lead your business
#3- Get valuable tips that could pivot your current business or help you design a new one!
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